Sunday, December 30, 2007

Ireland, I am coming home!

I can see your rolling fields of green, and fences made of stone...
A picture from my trip in Ireland!! 

A quicky update!  I am in the ATL right now, chillin at home!  It has been nice, because I'm catching up with friends I haven't seen in years!  I went to my five year reunion for Westminster AND Wesleyan!  I got to see what people have been up to for the last six years, and hear about everyones' awesome jobs!  Hmmm...theme??  I think so!
I got a part time job here in Atlanta at Jeanne's Body Tech, which I think I'll take until I can find a job elsewhere!  Still no new news on that front, but I guess no news is good news???  Does that apply to this situation??  Hmm...not really!  But Jeanne's is nice...we just got new bikes for our spin classes, and I think I am going to get certified so I can teach!!  Yaay! 
I'm really excited, because this week, I am headed up to North Carolina ( home)!  I'll be visiting with some friends (Anna and her sister, Kristina Brozynina, Elizabeth Adair (?), maybe Chelsea, Mary, a little time with the Dunns...perhaps Julie Griggs Newton?? ... Kevin, and who knows who else!!  It should be a mad fun time!  Hiking, Biking, Climbering...who knows with this crowd!!  Woot!  

Monday, December 17, 2007

Huma Huma Nuka Nuka 'apua'a...

...Makahiki, Malahini who Hawana Waka Waka Waka Niki Pu Pu Pu...
I checked the mailbox, and there was nothing...sad!  Ok, so here's the update on the Job hunt...
I got a call back from the Academy of the Sierras, and no luck...he said they had already filled the love!
NOLS said "sure" for a seasonal position starting in April...something to think about...but I'd really like full-time, or at least 3 season (fall, winter, spring) work.  
Falling Creek hired a dude for the's an all dude's camp...but it was good to have an interview!
I am still looking and applying!  I'd really like to work with one of the Aspen Education Group's many programs...they all are different, but I'd love to work with kids!  

So Winter Break has started!  I'm in Morgantown until Thursday!  I can't wait to go home, see the fam, celebrate Lewis' 19th birthday (aaah!!!), and go on adventures in NC!!!  My job here ends on Wednesday, which will be sad...I love my coworkers!!!  I bought a one-way ticket home, so who knows how long I'll stay!  WVU goes back to school on January 16, and I'll probably come back then if I haven't found a job yet, and then I'll get a temporary job through the University until I find a job elsewhere!  I have LOVED West Virginia, but I'm ready to go somewhere else!
(This picture is from Bridge Day 2007...Scott, Me, and Lydia were doing the "Hulk Hogan" with the baby!  She was Hulk for Halloween!  So so cute!  Love!)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Bow Chick-a Bow Wow...

"A group becomes a team when each member is sure enough of himself and his contribution to praise the skills of others."- Norman G. Shidle
So, Christa reminded me of my love for I went through the archives, and found this picture!!
"Spandex: it's a privilege, not a right!" - Hackers

Anna and I went for a little visit at camp, and we found a boat that sails on the land!!!  Like the one from Jack tales!!!!  So, with me in the bow and Anna in the stern, we set off!  No, not really.  This was from the day I took off from AORE to go up to the CSZ and Sapphire with Anna!  We had dinner with the AORE peeps, and headed up the mountain...where we had such plans to stay up late chattin, but both of us are "old ladies" and fell right to sleep.  Well, being the old ladies that we have become, we woke up at the bootie crack of dawn and went over to camp to walk around and visit Jimbo and Denice!  Boo-whoop!!

We went to lunch with Denice and Lindsay Garner at the Oasis in Sapphire!  Gah!  I love the mountains in the fall!!!!!  I can't wait to live there year round...just have to find a J-O-B (which is the magic word around here these days!)  Anyway, Anna and I checked out the new weaving hut and then headed back to Ashevegas, because she had to go to work!  She and I both applied at AOS in North Carolina!  It would be Du-Kum-Inn/Mushroom all over again...only with older kids...and even more fun!  
AORE was AWESOME this year!  Well, it was my first AORE, so I have nothing to compare it to, but, it was AWESOME!!  Got to hang out with some peeps I hadn't seen in forever, and meet some amazing new friends!  Oh yeah, and connections...whew!  I love conferences, because it's a gathering of insanely amazing people who all share common interests and goals!  Waaaah!  Just thinking back on it makes me giddy!  I'm such a dork!  
So, to change the subject completely!  I'm lovin this won't stop raining!  I miss the sun!  BUT me and my roomie are making the best of it, and checkin out "Enchanted" at the movies!  I haven't been to a theater in a while, so it'll be fun!  Hopefully it will turn to snow soon, and I can start cross country skiing again!!   Wahoo!!  
Well, That's all for now!
Peace out homies!


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Boogie Wonderland

I found a few more awesome pictures from this year's adventures!!!  Two are from Woodlands near Morgantown, WV, and the third is Amanda Obery (lighter pants) on Mr. Ed's at the New River Gorge!!  

Me and Mando went on several faboo trips last Spring, and I am finally thinking to post about them!
Something about green shirts and know what they say about the color green!

These last couple are from camp again...

Here is our group on day 2 of our "Hiddle" (multisport trip)!  We are a little scratched up, but super excited to be on the river!!  
Karen and Dr.David Jones (our river staff from camp) joined us at this point to make the student to staff ratio 7:5...nice, right??

I learned to play Cricket this summer...Here's our Sunday Team, taught by our International staff: Emma (Australia), Kelli (Australia), Hanna (England) , and Mariessa (South Africa)!!! Sadly, Jess (Australia) was probably hauled off to barn duty!  Right after I hit the ball, I ran so fast, that I could barely stop, and almost hit the wickets...but instead, I hit one of the campers in the head...oops!  She forgave me, though! Sorry Mary Padgett!!

Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes

Ok, so here's a little update on my life...for now!

I came back to West by God Virginia to complete a Masters Degree in RPTR, however, plans were foiled by a couple ofevents:
1) I didn't finish my second undergrad after all...why? you may ask? Oh! Right! Because I never took English 101 and 102 and University through several petitions I was able to clear that one up.
2) Kirk Hazen is the devil incarnate...but we all knew that anyway.
3) My proposals for my Masters thesis were denied, because the department is taking a new turn (away from the realm of outdoor/experiential education)...and they won't let me do a project anyway...unless it's in fee I am moving on.

I think this is going to be a blessing in disguise! Everything happens for a reason! Right?

Eventually, I shall return to get my Masters in Experiential Education, however, I don't think it will be at WVU!  I have loved my time here, but I want a program that is more geared towards Outdoor Education!!


I have been applying to jobs over the last few weeks!Backroads (as long as it's another full time position, I may go back there!! They're still holding my leader position for me!)
NOLS (heard back from them, and they want me to be a field guide...but it doesn't start til April, and it's only six months, because they already have enough of the international guides and the older domestic guides get priority, of course...but I'm keeping it as an option!!!)
Academy of the Sierras
The Chewonki Foundation
The Outdoor Academy
Clemson University Youth Learning Institute Outdoor Program
Falling Creek Camp
Camp Merrie Woode
Subaru/LNT Traveling Trainers and many many more!

So who knows where I'll be in the next six months...kind of scary...kind of exciting!!! Woot!! Ps...apparently "woot" is the Webster's Word of the Year!!

Here are some pictures of the last few months of my life...which have been absolutely faboo!!!

(The ones on top are from this year...My First Bridge Day!!!)
 The fourth of July is always awesome at camp...I always look forward to fireworks, watermelon, Mountaineering Extravaganza, and a really big cup of coffee!!!  

We added a new cargo net to our high ropes course...It's really nice for us, because we used to have to pull everyone up on belay, but now they can climb up on their own!!
I totally tied those knots!!!!

Ok, so story...we decided that it would be an AWESOME idea to lead a multisport trip (boating and mountaineering) to ease "tension" between our two programs!  Right?
Well, it turned into an awesome adventure, that was a little scary at one point...we got "lost."  We knew where we were...generally...but we had to hike downstream in a lightening storm...following the pink forest service tape, and randomly stopping to hit the lightening postition!  We're now pros at that one!  

It started out so well!  The skies were was like something out of The Sound of Music!  As we started our trip, we saw a Llama trek about to head out, so, naturally, we stopped to take pictures in front of the Llamas.  Then we began our hike.  We went up Sam's Knob, over to Black Balsam, then to Tennent...some of my fav. hiking ever!  It's along the Art Loeb Trail!   
A huge lightening storm came blowing through super such storms do often in the summers up here, and we had to get off the trail...and then got "lost" in the rhodo thickets!  Worst!  But of course, we made the best of it, and started the "find the next pink marker" game!  We got out, thanks to the sense of direction I am ever thankful for.  Taylor and I hitched a ride with someone from Brevard (funny story on that one later), who took us back to our van, and took the kids out for food at Twin Dragons!!  Yumm!  We got up the next morning for our second day...this time, in the water...with a little whitewater kayaking on the Tuck!!  It all turned out ok...but my legs took a beating!

Ok, I am going cross-eyed at my computer!  Back for more later!!!