Sunday, June 8, 2008

Every production of an artist should be the expression of an adventure of his soul.”

-William Somerset Maugham
Ok, so I really need to get better at updating, but I've been so super busy lately, that I just haven't had time to do so!!
LEWIS GRADUATED!!  Yaay Lewie!!  Our whole family flew up to Virginia, and we stayed at the North River Inn, which was beautiful!!  We got to visit at Christchurch School a lot...which is an amazingly beautiful place!  I'm so jealous he got to go to school there and be on the sailing team!!  For graduation, they all had to sign the book of alumni to make it official!  Cool tradition!!
On the other front... I love my job at SOAR!!  I get to work, live, and play with the most AMAZING people, and the kids are my kindred spirits!!  I live with a bunch of my coworkers in a double-wide in Cruso, NC (where the motto is "9 miles of friendly people, and one crab").  We are renting until I can find a perfect home!! 
 Right now it is me, Mark, Cate, and Erin, but for a month we get Katie Rose as well, and Logan, of course, when he is in town!!  It'll be cramped, but fun!  We just got water last week, and this week, we are hoping to get power.  This heat wave we've been having is killin me!  It was 98 yesterday, and when you live on the side of a mountain, and there is no power to plug in a fan, it gets HOT!  The view is what makes it amazing, though... we overlook Cold Mountain!!!

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